Photo Release Form for Minors (if under 18)

Photo Release Form for Minors (if under 18)

The photo release form for minors (if under 18) is a document that would be signed by a parent or legal guardian to grant a library, permission to use the any photographic images of either the parent, the minor child or both, for the purpose of promoting the library in any public venue (ie: presentations, websites, pamphlets, publications on or off line)

The document will offer this document with full knowledge that there will be no compensation, royalties or otherwise, offered to the parent nor the minor child in exchange.

No witnesses or notary public shall be required.

How to Write

Step 1 – Download in Adobe PDF (.pdf).

Step 2 – Once the document has been downloaded –

  • The parent must begin by entering the name of the library for which permission shall be granted to display images of their child, for the benefit of the library.

Step 2 – Signature – Provide the following:

  • The Parent or Guardian’s Signature
  • Enter the date of the signature in mm/dd/yyyy format
  • Submit the Parent or Guardian’s Printed name
  • Provide the minor child’s name
  • Telephone number

Once the document has been completed, the library representative, must provide a copy of the document to the parent for their record keeping.